Are you looking for a contractor who can help design, budget and manage a major renovation to an existing home? Well Sexton Development is your one-stop shop for remodels and renovations too. Our experience over the years has taught us that each and every renovation is unique, so in order to guarantee a successful build we make sure that the proper amount of attention is given to each and every critical planning phase. A well-thought-out renovation includes thorough planning, precise budgeting, potential permitting, good scheduling and quality construction.
Initial Consultation
Our initial consultation will be at no cost to you, and it will allow us a chance to learn about your project so we can understand your vision of the remodel. We’ll review your ideas and goals and add some suggestions along the way as we work toward determining how our relationship will grow and what the next necessary planning steps will be.
The length of the “Planning Phase” will depend on the size and complexity of the project, but remember that good plans shape good decisions and most importantly if you fail to plan…you plan to fail. We’ll assist you in selecting an architect if one is needed, as well as help you in selecting the proper building components, mechanical systems and finish options that we feel may best fit your project. Once we’ve determined a clear and concise design for the remodel, we’ll continue to refine your scope of work until we’re ready to start the “Budgeting Phase”.
Too many home owners have experienced or know someone that has experienced a remodel or renovation that went way over budget. Now it’s true that in some cases unforeseen situations can occur during the actual construction process that can cause additional expenses, however with proper planning those occurrences can really be minimized. While we’re building your budget, we’ll be able to recommend changes that will help you to keep costs down as well as point out areas that we feel Clients tend to overlook and usually spend more on. With our expertise you’ll end up with a finished project that’s not only on budget, but on time and just the way you envisioned.
Some people believe that acquiring permits for a renovation or remodeling project is strictly another way for a municipality to make money, but in fact this could not be further from the truth. In all simplicity, permits exist to protect the homeowner and permits should be pulled to protect the homeowner’s investment. During your “Planning Phase” we will determine if your municipality will require permits for the type of construction you’re looking to have done. If permits are required, we will handle all of the formalities and document applications as well as arrange any and all inspections that may be necessary for your project.
Once we’ve completed your planning, budgeting and possible permitting phases we can begin to assemble your construction schedule. Prior to any physical work beginning, we’ll use our past experiences to hone in on a realistic timeframe that we anticipate your project to run. The scheduling will take into account possible permitting timeframes, material orders, contractor availability, weather, possible inspections and last but not least your schedule as well.
When the time finally arrives to start the actual “Construction Phase” we have a series of repetitive practices that are always implemented to streamline the process. These practices include daily updates by phone, e-mail or text and weekly meetings (or as often as needed) to provide you with verbal and visual updates on the progress. We will also digitally document the entire construction process with progress photographs for your records as well as conduct constant cleanings to control within practicality dust and debris.
Project Completion
As we enter the final phase, you’ll see first-hand our attention to detail and how we deliver on our business promises and when your renovation is complete, we’ll assemble a thorough construction log which will include pictures, model numbers, paint and grout colors, vendor information and anything else that may be beneficial for any future maintenance down the road.
In the end, we know that there are a lot of choices out there when it comes to selecting a custom home builder for your renovation or remodel, but at Sexton our “Reputation is Everything” and we hope to someday share that with you by working with you on your next project.